The 5 Love Languages, as re-examined by Mr. Micobin
Love is a beautiful thing and everyone wants to be in successful relationships, where we find happiness, peace, fulfillment and love. However, relationships need to be worked out. People in sweet and successful relationships worked theirs out. It is important to note that relationship is 2-way traffic; we give and we receive love. So, it won’t be bad if the initial spark needed to fire up your love starts with you and in no time, your partner will emulate and reciprocate it back to you. It’s also important to know your partner’s unique love language in order to know how to refill their love tanks from time to time. Please take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube channel via Thank you. 1. Word of Affirmation: This has to do with praises, appreciation and the expression of admiration. People love nice things being said about them. We should be free to shower praises and appreciation at our lov...